Your One-of-a-kind Office Design
You’re an orthodontist. You’re not like other specialists. Your office shouldn’t be either.
Knowledge & Experience
Anyone can throw lines on a piece of paper and claim to be a designer. Only an experienced specialist can design an orthodontic office. Ross Orthodontic's Design Service is available to help you.
We have worked with architects and designers for the past 40 years. Most designers don't have the knowledge or the experience that is important in designing an orthodontic office.
We’ll provide the experience and support to your architect or designer to create the most pleasant and efficient place for you and your staff to work. Contact us for planning assistance.
Orthodontic Office Efficiency
Your orthodontic office must be designed to move a large number of patients through. Possibly 20 to 120 patients or more, and most of them between 2 and 5 in the afternoon. Other specialists may have only 12 to 20 patients in a day.
Your orthodontic office must have good traffic flow, including patients, staff, doctors, and instruments. Your equipment design must enhance durability to stand up to this volume of patients.

Equipment & Office Design Synergy
At Ross Orthodontics, we specialize in the design of the orthodontic environment and the equipment in it. With 40 years of designing custom offices and equipment, we know your special needs. Get started on your new design with us today!